Monday, April 20, 2009

Jumping out of sequence here a bit

I'm having a bad week. This is a "present time" post, and not a "history" post, even though I haven't exactly brought this up to the present yet. But, I made this blog so that I could post these things, "journal" them, if you will, when they happened. I kind of want it to be a healing ground for myself and anyone else in a similar situation.
For starters, the methotrexate (forever hereafter, I'll refer to it as MTX) is making me sick, STILL, after almost 10 weeks.
I'm breaking out in spots again. It looks like I have smallpox.
I have a headache, probably from whatever the heck is going on with me this week.
Did I mention I'm nauseated as hell?
My legs started sreaking out Saturday after a nature trip with my family. Sunday I had to wear hose (to cover my spots so that my congregatoin doesn't shun me as a leper), which only aggravated my spots. Today I had a mandatory class at work, "Managing the Agressive Patient," loads of fun. But sitting in a chair for 4 hours with my feet dangling, only contributed to my delightful collection of ugly spots. And, my 11 yo forgot to tell my 17 yo to come get me, so I walked almost the whole way home, which REALLY made things worse.
I'm supposed to go to work tomorrow for 12 hours. I can't call in. I missed a whopping 2 days in my first 90 days of employment, both doctor excused, both related to a vasculitis flare. I was strongly encouraged to watch my "absenteeism" until my next evaluation. Oh, and I don't have a phone right now to call in with anyway.
I feel hopeless. Utterly despairing. I can't even have a good cry (I frown on crying, but SOMETIMES...) because I have a migraine. Is there anyone out there that gets me?

Monday, April 6, 2009

Found a new Primary care Doc

So, I talked with some docs and nurses that night at work, and they recommended me to a doc at, of all places, a urgent care clinic. I was leery at first, but trusted these guys' judgement. So, I saw Dr. S. He did all kinds of lab work, a skin biopsy, an EKG, and a chest xray; and told me to follow up in about 2 weeks. Other than the trip to my ER doc, this was the most thorough exam I had been given.
I ended up going back in about 1 1/2 weeks, because I was too thoroughly miserable to wait any longer. Dr. S was shocked at the advancement in my symptoms. He had my results back, but nothing was exceedingly conclusive. At this point, he felt there was definitely somethign wrong with me, and gave me the tentative diagnosis of HSP vasculitis, although he also told me he would have to send me to a specialist, because I had surpassed the level of care he could give.
The clinic made all the arrangements necessary, and sent me over to a Dermatologist (it would be a year before I'd understand the rationale there). She did 2 more skin biopsies, for 2 different tests, and started me on a medication called Dapsone. I read up on it before I picked it up from the pharmacy. Much to my dismay, it is a drug used to treat skin infections in people with AIDS. Great, that would be fun to pick up from the pharmacy. Especially since I looked like I had leprosy, at worst; smallpox at best.
The short version of this event is that it did work, kinda, for several months. The joint pains lessened, the rash pretty much went away (although it would flare frequently and we'd increase my "AIDS" medicine.
In June, we moved to Colorado, and things changed again....